We all have a soundtrack of our life. In other words, songs that remind us of our childhood or special moments, songs that describe stages of our life. Which songs would you include in the soundtrack of your life? Why? You can write your answers clicking on comments.
Let's see how good you are at music. Watch the video and guess the song. You only have 10 seconds.
How many songs did you guess? I was good at good because I got 8/10. Now try these listening activities where people talk about music. Remember you can read the script after doing the activities on www.elllo.org.
Favourite Music (a bit difficult)
Now play this music trivia. After that, watch the video again and write down the eight questions without auxiliary. To check your answers click on comments.
Finally try these activities about questions with and without auxiliaries in English. Before doing the activities you can watch the powerpoint presentations we did in class.